

Congratulations on finding us here @ Andywristwatches.com! If you have found us, you must be one of us. We are self-professed Seikoholics! We could fathom a guess that you might tick multiple boxes below :

  • Owns a collection of Seiko watches from various models e.g. classic SKX007, Turtle, Monster, Sumo, MM300, MM1000, etc.
  • Gets excited with every release of new colour scheme for Seiko watches.
  • Gets defensive when people mentioned that you could have purchased a real Swiss watch ("What?! My Seiko is ten times better than some entry-level Swiss watch, I'll have you know!") given the number of Seiko watches you have in your collection.
  • Hides some of the watches in your collection from your better half to prevent the nagging, "What, you bought another Seiko?!"

We know you, and we feel you. What better way to announce that you are a part of the Seikoholic community than to wear this badge of honour proudly on your wrist, to announce to the world that YOU are a Seikoholic indeed!

You have now earned the bragging rights to be a true-blue Seikoholic!


Inside each of us is a Rebel just waiting to be freed. That Rebel is the Real You. Why wear a watch that every Tom, Dick, and Harry has? Why be constrained by what the factories dictate so?

No Sir, I shall wear my one-off FrankenMod and be different from the rest. I shall be my own Rebel to my own cause. I shall make my own path!

It's my way or the highway!

(You could look through the "SOLD OUT" folder and let us know if you want any items from in there. We could re-order or re-manufacture some of these parts.)

Seikoholic FrankenMod

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